
Category: Silent Seeds News

Silent Seeds News

The essential advantages of the SILENT SEEDS professional platform

In a world where digitalization and innovation have become essential, it is crucial for companies to adopt efficient and effective solutions in order to remain competitive. The new SILENT SEEDS professional platform responds to these challenges thanks to its numerous advantages impacting the daily lives of professionals. Efficiency: an intuitive

Cannabis and sexuality: a winning duo for an optimal erotic experience

Cannabis is increasingly popular for its therapeutic virtues, in particular thanks to one of its components, CBD. But did you know that this plant can also be used as a sexual stimulant? And yes ! Cannabis is said to have aphrodisiac effects and could improve your sex life in different


Silent Seeds x Lemon Tree Collaboration

My meeting with Matthew Rockwell aka “Rocky” in September 2019 in Santa Cruz (California), who is the founder of the brand and the collective Lemon Tree, was really something special for me, I quickly understood that the connection between us was great, because we have many common passions, among many