When to harvest autoflowering cannabis?

If you grow autoflowering cannabis, you are probably wondering when to harvest it. The good news is that “auto” flowering cannabis plants are ready to harvest sooner than regular cannabis plants, but you still need to know the factors that signal harvest time.

In this blog post, whether you’re an amateur or an expert, we’re going to tell you everything you need to know about harvesting autoflowering cannabis plants. Keep reading to find out more!

What is an autoflowering cannabis seed?

autoflowering cannabis seeds

An autoflowering cannabis seed or autoflowering indicates that this cannabis strain will flower in almost any light as soon as it is planted. Therefore, these plants do not need the 12/12 light cycle to start flowering and can grow in 24 hours of light from seed to harvest. This property is exclusive to the Ruderalis plant, a wild strain Sativa grown in harsh conditions, flowers automatically, and matures in 8 to 11 weeks in most climates and growing circumstances.

Today we can find Plant ruderalis in the whole world. These hardy plants are well-equipped to resist the infections and pests that abound in their environment. They fight to flower as early as possible and produce flowers and seeds faster than any other Sativa or Indica.

A long time ago, the herb Ruderalis, by itself, was not particularly attractive. It generates low yields, with a low concentration of THC. Nowadays, autoflowers can now satisfy the most demanding consumers: recreational users will no longer have difficulty finding autoflowers rich in THC.

Modern autoflowering strains rival (and some even surpass) photoperiod feminized strains in potency, yield, and aroma.

How do you know if it’s time to harvest your autoflowering cannabis?

autoflowering cannabis

You have reached the stage where you see your plants gaining height after several weeks of waiting. First of all, congratulations! You did the hard part, and above all, you did it well!

For many growers, the most exciting and satisfying aspect of growing cannabis is harvest time. After months of watching your plants develop from seedlings to fully flowered plants, it’s almost time to get out the scissors and start drying and curing your cannabis.

Generally, between 50 and 70 days after germination, most autoflowers are ready to harvest. However, determining harvest time is not that simple.

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You can find the perfect flower arrangement. However, it is essential to be patient and not rush. To ensure that your flowers are truly ready, you need to be aware and on the lookout for various indicators and signs, both on a micro and macro level.

Now let’s see how to recognize if your autoflowering cannabis plants are ready to be harvested.

Check the trichomes of your plants

THE trichomes of your cannabis plant will let you know if it is ready to harvest. Trichomes are tiny crystals that produce cannabinoids and terpenes in large quantities through resin production. Trichomes look like little mushrooms with a little head under a magnifying glass.

The trichomes on your plants’ buds grow and mature, changing color from clear, to milky, to amber brown. You can observe them closely using a magnifying glass or a small hand-held microscope. In the following, we will explain the different states of trichomes as well as their characteristics.

  • Clear trichomes : If the majority of your plant’s trichomes are still clear, your buds are not yet ready to harvest. The levels of THC are still weak at this stage, and the effects of cannabis will not be poignant.
  • Milky white trichomes : This is when THC levels start to approach their peak, and the psychoactive effects of the plant will be more pronounced. Wait two more weeks maximum before harvesting.
  • Amber brown trichomes : If some of your plant’s trichomes have turned amber, this means THC levels are very high and the plant is ready to harvest. The effects of cannabis will be primarily physical at this stage.

Observe the pistil stigmas of your plants

The pistils are hair-like structures on cannabis buds that develop from the calyx and can be seen without the need for a magnifying glass. Pistils are responsible for producing seeds in female cannabis plants if they are pollinated by a male.

As with the trichomes, the pistils appear white at the start of flowering. As the plant matures and harvest time approaches, these elements become darker (red or brown).

If the majority of pistils are still white, it is too early to harvest them; let your plants grow a little longer. To ensure close to maximum THC levels, wait until at least 60% of the pistils turn brown. For heavier, more poignant effects, wait until 70-90% of your pistils change color.

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Yellowing and dying fan leaves

You can’t miss them, fan leaves are in the form of large and wide leaves which serve as energy generators for your plant. They are largely responsible for the photosynthesis that they capture from solar energy.

The fan leaves will begin to yellow and die at the end of an autoflower’s lifespan. This implies that all resources are focused on the buds. After that, there are about three weeks left for them to perish.

For the next three weeks, the buds are in the final stages of development and should be flushed to remove any remaining fertilizer. This is the simplest method of determining the maturity of a plant; it works perfectly with autoflowerings and, combined with all the other signals, it should allow you to harvest at exactly the right time.

Reduced water consumption

Another sign of harvest time is reduced water consumption. When your autoflowering cannabis plant’s water needs decrease, it’s time to cut it back because growth has reached its peak. Granted, this isn’t always the case, but if the media stays moist for a day or two after watering, your plant is most likely ready to harvest.

harvesting autoflowering cannabis

Harvest according to the seasons and times of day

If you are growing your cannabis seeds outdoors, when to harvest your autoflowering cannabis plants may depend on the seasons and where you live.

In summer you can have up to 15 hours of sunlight, but in autumn there is less light available, which will not cause your plants to flower since they do not need a cycle of light to start flowering. Which can affect production.

The most effective approach to avoid this is to prepare a schedule for your seeds before they begin to germinate. In some areas, sunlight does not reach more than 9:30 in winter. Therefore, planning ahead can help you achieve better yields and determine when you will want to harvest your plants.

The optimal time to harvest your plants is early in the morning, before sunrise. If you can, harvest your plants in the dark. At this time of day, the plant flourishes and produces a significant number of trichomes, which will result in a better harvest.

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The same rules apply to cannabis grown indoors. However, under these conditions it is not necessary to harvest before sunrise. For this reason, you can also turn off the lights in your grow tent and leave it in the dark for about 2 days, before harvesting.

Late harvest and early harvest: what result to expect?

The late harvest

If you harvest too late, the trichomes will deteriorate, “overripe” and the THC will convert to CBN. Thus, the effect that your plants will produce will have a body effect closer to the indica plant.

Overripe trichomes take on an increasingly amber color as a result of the breakdown of THC into CBN. Which is not desirable for many people. On the other hand, some users prefer a more physical and narcotic experience, so if you’re looking for that type of impact, it’s time to harvest your plants. On the other hand, if you are a fan of Sativa effects, it is important to harvest your plants at the right time.

Early harvest

If you harvest your autoflowering plants too early, the trichomes will not have had time to fully develop and mature. This means that THC levels will be lower and the plant will not have had a chance to produce as much resin. As a result, your yield will be low and the overall quality of your crop will be lower.

The cannabinoid content of immature or transparent trichomes is insufficient, which means you won’t get pronounced psychoactive effects. Therefore, there is no need to harvest yet. On the other hand, keep your eyes peeled because the trichomes will soon ripen!


Autoflowering cannabis is a great choice for growers looking for a quick harvest. Plants reach maturity quickly and can be ready to harvest in as little as eight weeks after planting.

At the house of Silent Seeds we have a wide variety of autoflowering cannabis seeds, so you’re sure to find the perfect strain for your needs. Visit our website today to explore our collection and order your seeds! If you want to take the next step, also discover our wide range of collectible seeds!

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