Why are your cannabis seeds not germinating?

Germinating cannabis seeds is a crucial first step for any grower. When seeds fail to germinate, there may be various underlying causes that interrupt this vital process. Understanding these reasons can help maximize the chances of success in your future crops.

Seed quality and age

One of the main reasons why cannabis seeds don’t germinate is because quality and seed age. Seeds that are too old or have been stored in poor conditions may lose viability. To ensure good germination, it is best to use fresh, high-quality seeds. Examine theenvelope seeds: those that appear healthy and robust are more likely to germinate successfully.

Visual criteria for a viable seed

A cannabis seed ready for germination usually shows a dark brown color and has a smooth, non-cracked surface. Light or greenish seeds are often synonymous with lack of maturity and are less likely to germinate.

Inadequate environmental conditions

Environmental conditions play a key role in seed germination. Three main factors must be controlled: temperature,humidity and light. Temperatures that are too cold or too hot can inhibit germination. Humidity should be sufficient but not excessive to prevent mold from forming. In general, a room temperature of 22 to 25°C and a relative humidity of around 70% are ideal for germinating cannabis seeds.

Maintain adequate humidity without drowning the seeds

To maintain the necessary humidity without overwhelming the seeds, use a damp paper towel, placed on a plate. Place your seeds between two layers of this towel, making sure it is damp but not soggy. This simple but effective method makes it easy to control the humidity level around the seeds.

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Planting Problems

Improper implantation of seeds can also hinder their germination. Too buried, they may not receive enoughwater and oxygen, essential for germination. Conversely, seeds planted too shallowly risk drying out quickly.

Depth and planting techniques

It is advisable to plant cannabis seeds about a centimeter deep in aerated, well-drained soil. This helps ensure the seeds have access to enough water, while still maintaining the aeration needed for their oxygen needs.

  • Check the depth using a ruler.
  • Use specific soil for growing cannabis, light and with good drainage.
  • Keep the soil slightly moist, but never saturated.

Chemical variables

Exposure to harsh chemicals can compromise germination. Usewater straight from the tap, especially if it contains high levels of chlorine or minerals, can be harmful to sensitive seeds. Always prefer to use filtered water or spring water for your germination process.

Optimization of water use

The water should be at room temperature: too hot or too cold, it can shock the seeds, thus limiting their germination potential. Also remember to let tap water sit for 24 hours before use, which allows certain harmful chemicals such as chlorine to evaporate.

By understanding and addressing these common issues, you significantly increase the chances of successful germination of your cannabis seeds. Carefully monitoring each of these aspects ensures a solid start to the healthy growth of your plants.

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